

SQ304 Singapore to Brussels

Boarding gate B8 for the inaugural SQ304 to Brussels
SQ304 special edition magazine on Belgian businesses and goodie bag
Candies, sweets and chocolate in the goodie bag

SQ303 Brussels to Singapore

Lion dance performance at the SQ check-in area for the BRU-SIN inaugural
SQ check-in counters at Brussels Airport
No doubt, it’s inaugural day!
Welcome signage for the inaugural flight
SQ check-in counters at Brussels Airport
Invitation to SQ303 inaugural gate event
Various celebratory and promotional signage at the gate
Inaugural flight cake and event backdrop
SQ303 inaugural gate event
Live band at SQ303 gate event
Sparkling wine at SQ303 gate event
Boarding gate for SQ303
Rows of goodie bags for SQ303 passengers
Memorabilia from the SQ303 Brussels-Singapore inaugural
Gate Gourmet co-branded Guylian chocolates
Firetrucks in position for the water cannon salute on departure
Welcome activities for SQ303 arrival in Singapore
Kaya toast set pins from Changi Airport

Post-trip Thoughts

My SIN-BRU and BRU-SIN boarding passes from the inaugural flights


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